Another key issue, if not the biggest challenge facing the village is road safety, as most solutions could affect the countryside unfavourably.
There were three questions devoted to speed control measures and 85% of the respondents replied, generally supporting or extending speed limits throughout the village. This is not surprising as there has been an active Road Safety group operating in the village in recent years. The Government and the Council for the Protection of Rural England generally support the lowering of speed limits through villages but the police are only able to support reductions where the current speed of traffic is within a defined margin of the proposed speed or where there are accident black spots.
Other proposed speed control measures had less clear cut support. Traffic calming can be contentious, as shown in the neighbouring village of Bishop’s Sutton where opinion is divided as to its success. Road signs can be useful but equally too many signs can confuse motorists and spoil the rural environment. Equally many felt that pavements and street lights would change the character of the village.
One possibility being looked at by the Road Safety Group and being debated by them with the Police is the use of Pelican Crossings, perhaps with bollard islands, on the A31. This is a dangerous stretch of road with 9 serious or fatal accidents along the Ropley section over the last 10 years. But first the road needs to be surveyed to determine the need, and though there is money available in the County Council’s purse for improving current schemes there is little money for new developments.
The highest response was from 705 people, 81%, of respondents who supported a speed limit on the Petersfield Road. It is worth noting that between 70 and 80 people would not support any action.